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1. Both sides recognize the robust development trend of the China-India relation and agree to implement consensus of the leaders of two countries and further deepen bilateral economic and financial relations. Both sides commit to promote a favorable environment to enable continuous growth of bilateral trade and investment, strengthen their efforts to promote more balanced and healthier development of trade and economic cooperation and further enhance the closer development partnership between the two countries.


12. Both sides welcome the establishment of Bank of China Mumbai Branch in June 2019, which will better support both Indian and Chinese companies operating in India with quality financial services. Building on this, both sides agree to provide support to each other’s bank to promote investment and financial cooperation between two countries. The Indian side expressed concern over the problems being faced by the State Bank of India, Shanghai Branch in invoking the counter-guarantee claims from some Chinese banks.

检察机关再次提醒,乘客选择拼车出行,一定要增强自我保护意识。近期,奉贤区人民检察院将以涉嫌诈骗罪,对两名犯罪嫌疑人提起公诉。责任编辑:张玉本文来自中国电子报、电子信息产业网 作者:连晓东日前,有消息透露,谷歌已经准备了一款带屏幕的智能音箱,将于今年年底欧美的假日销售旺季发货,该消息甚至透露谷歌该智能音箱产品的第一批发货量预计是300万台。有亚马逊Echo Show在先,在智能音箱领域后来居上的谷歌推出这款产品合情合理。智能音箱的一个发展趋势促使它出现——越来越紧密地与智能家居结合,甚至智能音箱硬件本身与另一些家电结合,“杂交”出一些新的产品形态。这一趋势在中国也有所显现。例如,8月中旬,TCL推出了一款智能电视与智能音箱相结合的产品,TCL否认它是一款电视,称其为“新物种”。


